top rail - tradução para russo
Dicionário Online

top rail - tradução para russo

EN 50022; DIN-rail; Top-hat rail; Top hat rail
  • 350px
  • 120px
  • 300px
  • Cross section view of a G-type DIN rail, with electrical equipment mounted on it

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верхний брус дверного полотна

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верхний брусок дверного полотна или оконной створки

top rail      
верхний брусок дверного полотна или оконной створки
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поручень марса


Операционный усилитель

в аналоговой вычислительной технике, Решающий усилитель без цепей обратной связи.


DIN rail

A DIN rail is a metal rail of a standard type widely used for mounting circuit breakers and industrial control equipment inside equipment racks. These products are typically made from cold rolled carbon steel sheet with a zinc-plated or chromated bright surface finish. Although metallic, they are meant only for mechanical support and are not used as a busbar to conduct electric current, though they may provide a chassis grounding connection.

The term derives from the original specifications published by Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) in Germany, which have since been adopted as European (EN) and international (IEC) standards. The original concept was developed and implemented in Germany in 1928, and was elaborated into the present standards in the 1950s.

Exemplos de pronúncia para top rail
1. But my husband has the top rail.
Zero Waste Home _ Bea Johnson _ Talks at Google
2. down the rail and it lifted off, and it hit that top rail. And it broke the top rail because
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para top rail
1. The company has received three reports of the side rail spindles separating from the top rail.
2. Dr Mitchell, who as the Department for Transport‘s director general of railways is the top rail civil servant, made his comments when he appeared before the House of Commons public accounts committee.
3. WASHINGTON –– Jetmax International Ltd. is recalling about 36,000 boy‘s and girl‘s storage racks with canvas totes after an 8–month–old boy died when he pulled on the storage rack and the top rail landed on the infant‘s neck, a government safety group says.